Donate Items to the Friends

We raise money for the library by selling books and other items that have been donated by generous people like you! Please bring your donated books to the Sunnyvale Public Library’s circulation desk during open hours. Your donation is tax deductible under IRS section 501(c)(3). Please ask for a donation receipt. Learn how we use your donation.

We request that only banker sized boxes or smaller be used for donations – no large moving boxes or heavy crates, please. You may donate up to four boxes per day. You may be asked to transfer items to smaller boxes to help protect the library staff and volunteers from injury.

If you would not give it to a friend, please do not give it to the Friends.

We can accept:

  • fiction and non fiction books in good condition
  • textbooks and computer books
  • intact and unmarked children’s items
  • music CDs
  • audio books on CD
  • movies on DVD
  • comics

Sorry, we cannot take:

  • Update May 19, 2024 – currently unable to accept vinyl records
  • magazines or newspapers
  • Reader’s Digest condensed books
  • encyclopedias more than 5 years old
  • audio or video cassettes
  • software
  • soiled, water damaged or partial books

Donate Financially

Donate online or by check. Contact the Friends for more information about donating by check.